Thursday, October 1, 2015

I'm blogging again?!?!?

Hey followers!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile but I am determined to start blogging again.  When I looked online for why people blog all the time I found many different reasons.  I wrote down the top 10 reasons that stood out to me.

  1. It will make me a better writer.
  2. Help me think things through better.
  3. It can help aid good causes.
  4. It helps others/influences the public.
  5. Promotes your hobby/interest.
  6. Eases your personal issues.
  7. Makes for a good confidence booster.
  8. Documents your life (like a diary)
  9. Gives you freedom.
  10. Boosts your creativity.
When I blog I don't want to be another face in the crowd or a voice that's unheard.  I want to help others think positive, know that they aren't alone and to hear everyone's voice.  We live in a world where a lot of people don't care what others have to say and I don't agree with that. I want to be someone that can share experiences with someone.  I think blogging is a great way to reach an audience that you never knew you had.

These top 10 reasons why people blog (the ones that stood out to me) makes sense.

  1. I want to become a better writer and if blogging will help that then I'm all in!  I write emails to clients and parents all the time and I want to feel confident when emailing them.
  2. Sometimes I don't feel that I think things through... at least clearly.  I think being able to write out my thoughts has always helped me when I'm telling my parents something that they may disagree with, or going into an interview, meeting, etc.
  3. Help aid a good cause... When I read this I didn't think a blog could help aid cause. How would I be able to help a good cause?  Do you have the same question? I found that writing about a cause, why it's important to you and giving as much information as possible can help your viewers on your blog visit those websites.  That way they can visit those websites to give what they want to help the cause. Great idea!
  4. The whole purpose of my blog is to help others and influence the public in a positive way.  Giving situations I've been in and gotten through are the posts I want to make on my blog.  In the long run, my boyfriend and I want to be able to blog about many different things and give reviews on videos we see on Facebook (those delicious food videos), restaurants with great services or even what's going on in our local cities that people would want to know about.  Just FYI!
  5. A part of my blog helps me to promote my freelance business, AE Productions. Not only am I giving people the information that I produce videos and photography, they are situations where I've succeeded on something and I want to share that with my blog followers. Doesn't hurt to grow my business while writing.
  6. A blog is something that can help you think things through and to write better, but it can also help you pour your heart out on something that's going on in your personal life.  I believe that being able to open up and writing about it will help with my confidence and self-esteem. I'm thrilled about this part!
  7. Like I said in #6, a blog will probably help my confidence and self-esteem.  It makes anyone feel good when you keep looking at the number of views/comments on your page every 5 minutes!
  8. When I was growing up I always wanted a diary but I never felt safe keeping one for some reason.  Maybe it was because my brother might find it and read it.  Or even my parents! What 10 year old wants their parents to find out who they are crushing on or the bad grade they got on their test? Haha!
  9. A blog can give you freedom of speech! It's an amazing feeling that you can write something on your blog and you can say what YOU want to say.  Not worrying about if people will judge you.  Yes, people can comment on your blog but the positive on that is, you can delete it immediately! So there! ;)
  10. Last but not least, it boosts your creativity.  I've always loved being creative with crafts, my photography or even just my organizational skills. I do believe that if you aren't creative now, start a blog, then you'll improve this skill a little at a time.

Now that I've spilled every part about why I want to start blogging you tell me.  What makes you inspired to do something?

(28) Do you not know? Have you not hear? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. (29) He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the week. (30) Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; (31) but those who hopein the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:28-31)

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