Sunday, February 6, 2011

WhY am I up This Late!?!?

There are so many reasons why the phrase "you never know what you had till you lose it" can be put into perspective.

I'm going to talk about the obvious one, the boyfriend or girlfriend.

Sometimes what you have is better than you think. Happened to me. Now I lost it and never realized how much it hurts when you've fallen for someone is. I hate that I'm confused because I don't think that he really wanted too be done, yet he said we were. All I can say is that I'm sorry for what I've done but you can't really say too much because we weren't really together... I apologize for everything I did to you. I'm not going to take back the things I hate about why you and I aren't more than...

This is why I am up this late... for the fact that I can't fall asleep, my heart is torn...