Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Testing Your Faith

I hope that you understand what I write about.  A lot of the times I am all over the place with my words but that's how my brain thinks.  I apologize for this ahead of time and I can always try to write again... I hope you enjoy! :)

The other night my old roommate, Katheryn Cansino, and I visited an old friend for a few hours.  We ended up talking to my friend (we'll call him Cody) for two hours about our faith and Christianity.  Now long story short, we had our own opinions, stories, and different views on a bunch of topics, but the one thing that bothered me was that I felt everything Cody was saying about the bible was negative.  I will give him the plus of knowing the bible forwards and backwards and things to back up what he was saying... it was just disappointing to me to hear someone say like "why did God let this happen?", "why did he let Paul get into this?", etc.

Maybe he was right about everything but for me, the bible gives you stories for you to understand the power of God, no matter how bad any situation can be.  Cody kept saying all of these horrible things that happened to Paul, Adam, Moses, etc and I just kept saying to him that even though there are all of those things you have to hear the good in everything.

I personally believe that those small verses are more powerful than all those stories he kept talking about.  Honestly, you have to be able to see the good and the help God provides us in order to stay true to him.  We should think about all situations in our life and how God is there through good and bad.  He will never give you something that you can't handle.  I use to always think about this phrase I heard once: "I wish God didn't trust me so much."  I've learned that I have to be able to trust God.

Moments like these in your life is making you test your faith, see how strong your faith and trust really is.  I could have been persuaded by what Cody had told me all along but I knew what I believed in.  No he probably wasn't wrong but I don't think that he completely understood what we were trying to let him understand.

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