Struggles. Memories. Thoughts. Heartaches. Wishes. Prayers. Laughs. Tears. Feelings. Moments.
We all go through all of theses. I have recently been going through them myself. It isn't easy thinking positive but it's the best thing for you. In order to keep going you have to think positive and not dwell on your past. What good will it do to think negative and think of the bad memories you've been through. Sure those bad moments you've had made you who you are today and better!
Starting today why don't we just change all the bad into good things. For instance, TEARS. Make them happy tears. When you start to think about that one bad thought over and over again, make it into something funny or happy.
Philippians 3:13 (ESV) says "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead"Isn't that statement enough to us? Sometimes I feel that I just can't go on. I feel miserable and sad and hurt and unwanted. That isn't the case! You... I am always wanted by Him, I am never alone.
Philippians 3:14 (ESV) continues to say ..." I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."So what happens if we lose track of what He wants from us? Well to be honest I haven't figured it all out myself but I do know that if I don't keep God in everything that I do I won't have the comfort that I have from him right now. He comforts me daily when I need him the most. I lose track of him constantly and I'm not proud of it but I know that when I get to that point of sadness and loneliness I always find my way back to Him. HOPE is what gets me through the day.